Credit Risk Management: Frameworks and Strategies

Without a thorough risk assessment, banks have no way of knowing if capital reserves accurately reflect risks or if loan loss reserves adequately cover potential short-term credit losses. Vulnerable banks are targets for close scrutiny by regulators and investors, as…

Basics Concepts of Accounting for Partnership

Generally, partners do not receive any interest in the capital contribution made to the firm according to accounting for partnership. If the deed states that interest must be credited, it is given at an agreed rate. When the contribution to…

Royalty Payments: A Comprehensive Guide

She supports small businesses in growing to their first six figures and beyond. Alongside her accounting practice, Sandra is a Money and Life Coach for women in business. PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries…

Operating Leverage DOL Formula + Calculator

The degree of operating leverage can show you the impact of operating leverage on the firm’s earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). Also, the DOL is important if you want to assess the effect of fixed costs and variable costs of…

8 SaaS Pricing Examples To Inspire Your Own Strategy

One of the reasons investors love subscription businesses is that they are easier to forecast - which is also why it’s really important to create a great financial model for your SaaS business. Thankfully, this has all been done before,…